It is no joke, we were involved in a great webinar on April 1st 2020. Wiebe de Roos and Keith Mokris from Palo Alto conducted a webinar in close collaboration with the CNCF. The full title of it was: CNCF Member Webinar: Container Security at Scale: Lessons Learned from the [...]
A great interview on stage @ Palo Alto Ignite
Wiebe de Roos2022-02-22T16:19:09+00:00In November 2019 Wiebe de Roos and Keith Mokris gave a talk at Palo Alto Ignite in Barcelona. It was all about Prisma Cloud Compute. Recently, the Prisma Cloud suite incorporated the container security tool called Twistlock into their application suite. Besides it, Wiebe also gave a great interview on [...]