How to move your applications securely to the cloud

At Friday the 28th of May 2021, Nuaware hired Business IT Nerd to present a webinar together with their Lead Architect Patrick van der Bleek. The webinar focused on Nuawares’ view on how to move applications securely to the cloud.

It’s not just a technical approach, the business related aspects are also important. Business IT Nerd talked about the organizational aspects which are as important as the technical ones. Since these determine whether or not your cloud migration is a success, there is a need to understand the key challenges and solutions.

With this webinar, organizations got a great overview of what they can expect in their transformation. It leads them to practical solutions that help to overcome challenges they might face. The target area was merely industry leaders, (senior) managers and other business professionals.

You can watch the full webinar on Youtube for a better experience if needed.