Docker security topics – 3 important phases

No one can deny the popularity of containers. Especially not Docker containers. With this powerful method to deploy software faster and more reliable, there is also more risk. When running containers handling sensitive data, security becomes crucial. Lets talk about Docker security topics – 3 important phases.

Presentation for The Future Group

Wiebe de Roos gave an extended presentation about Docker security topics for the freelancer entrepreneurs of the Trending Technology department of The Future Group. One of the main goals was to spread the knowledge about security and to help them implement better ways to their containerized deployments.

Topics addressed

Docker security is a huge topic which requires highly specialized knowledge. During the last couple of years, Wiebe has gained that knowledge through various courses, trainings and based on his own research and experiments. The main topics of Docker security are be defined as:

  • The source code perspective (Dockerfiles)
  • Security from a build perspective (Docker images & Docker image pipeline)
  • The run-time perspective (Securing the systems which run Docker containers)

Best practices

The presentation involved a lot of practical use cases and best practices. Also the role of containers and security from the CI/CD context was addressed as well. It led to a lot of discussions and the sharing of best practices among the working field. It put the topic (higher) on the agenda of the freelance consultants working together in the “Trending Technologies” department of The Future Group.