Sometimes a company suffers from a severe thread. This can be an external thread or an internal one. For example: a large group of the core employee are ill or a big fire destroys the main office. It is important to keep your business running to avoid losing money and valuable assets. In case to recover from a severe thread you must have your business continuity plans in place. This blog presents the core business continuity tips from the field.
The members from Business IT nerd are involved into a lot of masterclasses which focus on technical and business related aspects. Numeral research has been carried out at different clients to seek answers to problems at different departments. At ABN AMRO Business IT Nerd conducted practical research about the relationship between IT servicemanagement and Business Continuity aspects. The blog highlights the following topics:
- Both desk (theoretical) and field (practical) research at ABN-AMRO about business continuity aspects
- The relationship between IT servicemanagement & Business Continuity
- The existing Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans are being investigated
- Practical tips to improve Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery from a service management perspective
Check out the 5 most practical advises which you can implement right away in your organization:
- If you are dependent of an IT supplier – work together on the business continuity plans in an early stage.
- Create a decent capacity plan which tends to predict the desired capacity of server infrastructure.
- Make an availability plan and prioritize applications which needs to be highly available. In case of a disaster – focus on these applications first.
- Build a “known error database” (KEDB) to quickly identify known errors and problems. This speeds up fixing any issues in case of an emergency.
- Always perform a root cause analysis to get the real cause of the problem.
More background information about these topics in the blog (in Dutch).